G.O.Ms.No. 40 Dated:18. 06.2013 School Education – Aided - Rationalization of Services of Aided Staff in Private Aided Schools


School Education – Aided - Rationalization of Services of Aided Staff in Private Aided
Schools - Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No. 40                                                                                                            Dated:18. 06.2013.
                                                                                                                                     Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.1, Edn. (PS.2) Department, dt:01-01-1994.
2. Govt. Memo No.12080/COSE/A2/2004-4, Edn.(COSE) dt:20.10.2004.
3. G.O.Ms.No.103, Edn., (Ser.V) Dept., Dt:05.08.2005.
4. Govt. Memo No.8544/PS-1/2005-3 Edn. (PS.1) dt:14.11.2005.
5. Judgment of Hon’ble High Court dt.29.12.2006 in W.A.No.1578/2005 & batch.
6. Judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court, dt.06.09.2011 in S.L.P.No.9541/2007 & batch.
7. From the Commissioner & Director of School Education, Hyderabad, Letter
Rc.No.1000/B2-1/2010, dated 02.08.2012 & 26.04.2013.
8. G.O. Ms.No. 39, Education (SE.PS.I) Dept., dated 17.06.2013.
                                                                          * * * * *
O R D E R :
                             The Commissioner & Director of School Education, Hyderabad has submitted in the
reference 7th read above that there is a need to rationalize services of surplus teachers in non-viable private aided schools and also viable private aided schools due to the fact that with reference to the prevailing norms certain private aided schools are having excess strength of students with less staff and certain other schools are having meagre strength of pupils with more teachers.
                             2. Government, in this regard, have taken into account the following conclusive observations of the Division Bench of Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh in Writ Appeal No. 1578 of 2005 & batch and W.P.No.21793 of 2005 & batch, dt:29.12.2006, made while dealing with the provisions relating to rationalization in G.O.Ms.No.103, Education (Ser.V) Department dated: 05.08.2005

(i) However, we feel that it will be more prudent for the Government to examine the entire issue (here Rationalization) objectively and take corrective measures if it is found that the norms are contrary to the
provisions contained in Rule 10 (12) or 10 (17) of the 1993 Rules (i.e. G.O.Ms.No.1, Edn. (PS.2) Department, dt:01-01-1994) applicable to private aided and un-aided schools.
(ii) However, it is made clear that this order shall not prevent the competent authorities from undertaking fresh exercise for rationalization, which may lead to declaration of certain teachers’ surplus and for absorption of such surplus teachers

Download G.O.Ms.No. 40 Dated:18. 06.2013 School Education – Aided - Rationalization of Services of Aided Staff in Private Aided Schools